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Premium Sunny Lawn Mix:

(4-5#/1,000 sq. ft.) Seeding Depth: 1/4″
An elite lawn mix that is rich in color and has disease resistant varieties that tolerate traffic. It is geared for a higher maintenance manager who implements a fertilizer and irrigation program.

80% Kentucky Bluegrass
(3 Varieties)
20% Fine-Leaf Perennial Ryegrass
(2 Varieties)

Sunny Lawn Mix:

(5#/1,000 sq. ft.) Seeding Depth: 1/4″
This mix is formulated to create a beautiful turf, and help eliminate problems in areas that are exposed to intense sunlight. Our most popular mix.

60% Kentucky Bluegrass
(2 Varieties)
30% Fine-Leaf Perennial Ryegrass
10% Fine Fescue

Sun & Shade Lawn Mix:

(5-6#/1,000 sq. ft.) Seeding Depth: 1/4″
A most versatile product, this durable turf can flourish in a wide range of soil types as well as in both sunny and shady areas. This mix helps users who are unsure of their needs.

40% Kentucky Bluegrass
40% Boreal CRF
20% Perennial Ryegrass

Shady Lawn Mix:

(5-6#/1,000 sq. ft.) Seeding Depth: 1/4″
This mixture is designed to provide an attractive turf in areas where minimal sunlight exposure creates problems.

40% Creeping Red Fescue
25% Fine-Leaf Perennial Ryegrass
20% Kentucky Bluegrass
15% Chewings Fescue

High Traffic Lawn Mix:

(5-6#/1,000 sq. ft.) Seeding Depth: 1/4″
An excellent choice for practice fields and high traffic areas. Great for over-seeding. Formulated for lower maintenance areas. Varieties chosen for consistent color, density and durability.

50% Kentucky Bluegrass
(2 Varieties)
50% Fine-Leaf Perennial Ryegrass
(2 Varieties)

Contractor’s Mix:

(10#/1,000 sq. ft.) Seeding Depth: 1/4″
This mix is used for short or long term projects. Quick establishment, great for erosion control, can handle traffic and is drought tolerant. Good for sunny and shaded areas. Not meant for over-seeding.

75% Turf Type Tall Fescue
(3 Varieties)
15% Kentucky Bluegrass
10% Fine-Leaf Perennial Ryegrass

City & Parks Mix:

(5-6#/1,000 sq. ft.) Seeding Depth: 1/4″
An upscale universal mix that fits many needs of areas maintained.

60% Kentucky Bluegrass
(2 Varieties)
15% Slender Creeping Red Fescue
15% Creeping Red Fescue
10% Perennial Ryegrass

Athletic II Turf Mix:

(5-6#/1,000 sq. ft.) Seeding Depth: 1/4″
Has early spring green-up and excellent fall color retention. A great choice for superior quality and long term durability. Is formulated to provide a durable, high quality turf for athletic fields.

50% Kentucky Bluegrass
(2 Varieties)
50% Perennial Ryegrass
(2 Varieties)

Landscaper’s Mix:

(5-6#/1,000 sq. ft.) Seeding Depth: 1/4″

Designed as a general purpose lawn seed mix with rapid establishment that will fill in with desirable, healthy turf over time.

30% Kentucky Bluegrass
30% Fine-Leaf Perennial Ryegrass
30% Creeping Red Fescue
10% Turf Type Annual Ryegrass

Country LM Mix:

(5-6#/1,000 sq. ft.) Seeding Depth: 1/4″
A rugged mix that works well in low maintenance areas. No need for extra fertilizer applications and tough enough to handle drought and traffic.

40% Fairway Crested Wheatgrass
20% Fine-Leaf Perennial Ryegrass
40% Kentucky Bluegrass

No Mow Mix:

(6-8#/1,000 sq. ft.) Seeding Depth: 1/4″
This blend is slow growing and requires little water and fertilizer. When left unmowed it can reach a height of 8-12″. Great for slopes and hard to maintain areas. Very shade tolerant.

25% Creeping Red Fescue
25% Hard Fescue
25% Chewings Fescue
25% Sheeps Fescue

Salt Buster Lawn Mix:

(6-8#/1,000 sq. ft.) Seeding Depth: 1/4″
Maintain beautiful green turf even in high saline soils and where effluent water is present. Designed for areas of the region where water and soil quality continue to be an issue.

30% Kentucky Bluegrass
25% Slender Creeping Red Fescue
25% Fairway Crested Wheatgrass
20% Alkali Grass

Ditch & Dike Turf Mix:

(50-100#/Acre) Seeding Depth: 1/4″
A diverse mix designed to curb erosion. Establishes and thrives in sloped conditions. Deep rooted plants with longevity. Can be mowed or left alone.

40% Kentucky Bluegrass
20% Fine-Leaf Perennial Ryegrass
15% Brome
10% Turf Type Tall Fescue
5% Switchgrass
5% Slender Wheatgrass
5% Timothy

Runway Mix:

(5-6#/1,000 sq. ft.) Seeding Depth: 1/4″
Take off and land on this durable sod forming mix. Designed for air strips and other grass pathways.

40% Fine-Leaf Perennial Ryegrass
40% Kentucky Bluegrass
20% Fairway Crested Wheatgrass

Tough TF Turf:

(8-10#/1,000 sq. ft.) Seeding Depth: 1/4″
A tall fescue based turf mix which is very wear tolerant and has good drought tolerance. Dark green dense turf. May require over seeding.

90% Turf Type Tall Fescue
10% Kentucky Bluegrass

Premium Golf Mixes

*KBG – Kentucky Bluegrass, PRG – Perennial Ryegrass,

CRF – Creeping Red Fescue, TTTF–Turf Type Tall Fescue


                     Fairway Mixes

Fairway Mix #1, 80/20:

Rate: 3.5 #’s/1,000 sq. ft.
Height of Cut: 1/2″

30% After Midnight/Bannister KBG
25% Beyond/Barserati KBG
25% Rugby II KBG
20% Tetrasport PRG

Low Mow Blue Mix:

Rate: 2 #’S/1,000 sq. ft.
Height of Cut: 1/2″

25% Impact/Barrister KBG
25% Rugby II/Mercury KBG
25% After Midnight/Barrister KBG
25% Sombrero/Jackrabbit KBG

Fairway Mix #2, 80/20:

Rate: 3.5 #’s/1,000 sq. ft.
Height of Cut: 3/4″

30% Blue Chip/Jackpot KBG
25% SR 2100 KBG
25% Fielder KBG
20% Tetrasport


Rate: 3.5 #’s/1,000 sq. ft.
Height of Cut: 1/2″

80% HGT Bluegrass Blend
20% RPR Ryegrass Blend


* w/Yellow Jacket Coating 80/20:

Rate: 5-6 #’s/1,000 sq. ft.
Height of Cut: 1/2″

40% HGT Bluegrass Blend
10% Fielder KBG
*50% of Mix is Yellow Jacket Coating

            Tee Box Mixes/Blends

Tee-Box Mix, 50/50:

Rate: 5#’s/1,000 sq. ft.
Height of Cut: 1/2″

25% Sombrero KBG
25% SR 2284 KBG
25% Turf Star RPR PRG
25% Double Time PRG

RPR Blend:

Rate: 7-10#’s/1,000 sq. ft.
Height of Cut: 1/2″

65% Regenerating PRG
35% PRG

               Roughs Solutions

Sunny Mix:

Rate: 5/6 #’s/1,000 sq. ft.
Height of Cut: 2 1/2″+

60% Kentucky Bluegrass
(2 Varieties)
30% Fine-Leave Perennial Ryegrass
10% Creeping Red Fescue

Sun & Shade Mix:

Rate: 5/6 #’s/1,000 sq. ft.
Height of Cut: 2 1/2″+

40% Kentucky Bluegrass
40% Creeping Red Fescue
20% Fine-Leaf Perennial Ryegrass

Turf Saver RTF Blend:

Rate: 8-106 #’s/1,000 sq. ft.
Height of Cut: 2 1/2″+

30% Bravado TTTF
30% Bonfire (RTF) TTTF
20% Barrerepair (RTF) TTTF
20% Barmesh (RTF) Tall Fescue

Water Saver RTF Blend:

Rate: 8-10 #’s/1,000 sq. ft.
Height of Cut: 2 1/2″+

40% Barobusto Tall Fescue
40% Arid 3 Tall Fescue
20% Flame Tall Fescue





Bentgrass Varieties, Available in 25# Pails or Bags

Alpha/T-1 Creeping Bentgrass Blend
T-1 Creeping Bentgrass
V8 Creeping Bentgrass
L93XD Creeping Bentgrass
PC 2.0 Creeping Bentgrass
Dominant X-treme 7 Creeping Bentgrass
Dominant Plus Creeping Bentgrass
Pure Distinction Creeping Bentgrass
Dominator Creeping Bentgrass


  1. Cultivate the soil to a depth of 3-4″.
  2. Rake and lightly pack the soil to prepare a smooth, firm seed bed. Break up any lumps and remove debris.
  3. Fertilizer should be applied following manufactures’ instructions.
  4. Spread the seed uniformly. (5-6 pounds per 1,000 square feet)
  5. Lightly rake the seed into the soil to a depth of 1/4″.
  6. The soil should be kept moist with light, frequent watering until lawn is established.
  7. The new lawn should not be mowed until the grass reaches about 3-4″ tall.
  8. Mow no more than 1/3 the length of the grass blade each cutting.


  1. Mow the lawn as short as possible.
  2. Rake the lawn deeply enough to reach mineral soil. Remove clippings and thatch.
  3. Use an aerator to pull cores or open topsoil, if available.
  4. Spread seed wherever needed. (3-4 pounds per 1,000 square feet)
  5. Rake lawn again to ensure seed reaches the soil.
  6. The lawn should be fertilized, irrigated and mowed as though it were a new lawn.

A Premium Lawn

Turf Grass Species

Kentucky Bluegrass

Is the most widely used cool-season turf grass in the upper midwest. It is the most commonly used cool-season turf grass because of its ability to withstand high turf injury. It prefers to be mowed at 2-3 inches. One of the biggest advantages is its extensive rooting and rhizomatous structure. Kentucky Bluegrass thrives in full sun and partial shade. It prefers loam soil but can survive the extremes of sand or clay soils. It exhibits excellent cold tolerance in the harsh winters. Leaf texture of this species is fine to medium and provides a dark rich color.

Perennial Ryegrass

One of the world’s most widely used turf grasses. Its popularity comes from its ability to germinate in 7 to 10 days or less. This fine-bladed turf grass is preferred by many home owners because of its dark color, strong root system, fast response to fertilization, and its quick traffic recovery. A cool-season grass, Perennial Ryegrass can adapt to many different kinds of soil, including poor soils, clay, and poorly drained areas. A high level of endophytes allows this species to perform well under insect stress.

Creeping Red Fescue

A shade tolerant turf grass with a medium to dark rich color. It requires little maintenance and should be mowed at 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 inches. The fine fescues are excellent choices for low maintenance sites due to their reduced water and nitrogen requirements and growth rates. They typically persist in soils that are droughty, acidic and infertile, if the soils are properly drained. Fine fescues also perform well with tree-root competition, so they can be utilized in areas where many other turf grasses have trouble growing.

Other Popular Turf Type Grasses

  • Annual Ryegrass
  • Hard Fescue
  • Chewings Fescue
  • Sheeps Fescue
  • Salty Alkaligrass
  • Buffalograss
  • Tall Fescue (Turf Type)

If you have questions or would like additional information regarding Turf and Lawn seed, please contact:

Mike Kaul

Account Manager
Specialty Products
Phone: 800-731-5765 Ext 3
Cell: 218-779-2543
[email protected]
Grand Forks, ND