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At Rivard’s Turf & Forage, we offer a complete and extensive selection of native seed and introduced seed species and varieties for reclamation, erosion control, mining, wetland, riparian, forestry and wildlife habitat. We custom blend and mix to meet Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) seed, utility right-of-way, DOT and mining reclamation seed specs.

Rivard’s Turf & Forage is your source for ecologically appropriate and environmentally sound grass, forb, legume, shrub and wildflower seed. View our Conservation, Reclamation and Native seed varieties or contact us for more information.

Please contact us to get a specific quote on your custom mix.


Grasses Rate/Ac. PLS# Height Season
Big Bluestem 8-12 4′-6′ Warm
Blue Grama 3-5 1′-2′ Warm
Bufallograss 8-26 3″-8″ Warm
Canada Bluegrass 1-2 1′-2′ Cool
Canada Wildrye 8-10 4′-5′ Cool
Fowl Bluegrass 1-2 2′-3.5′ Cool
Green Needlegrass 8-10 1.5′-3′ Cool
Indiangrass 8-10 4′-6′ Warm
Little Bluestem 6-8 2.5′-3′ Warm
Needle-and-Thread Grass 8-10 1.5′-3′ Cool
Prairie Cordgrass 8-10 3′-8′ Warm
Prairie Dropseed 3-4 2′-3′ Warm
Prairie Junegrass 1-2 .5′-2′ Cool
Prairie Sandreed 6-8 3′-5′ Warm
Sand Dropseed .5-1 1′-3′ Warm
Sideoats Grama 8-10 1′-3′ Warm
Switchgrass 5-8 3′-5′ Warm
Virginia Wildrye 10-15 3′-4′ Cool
Wheatgrass, Intermediate 10-12 3′-4′ Cool
Wheatgrass, Slender 10-12 2′-2.5′ Cool
Wheatgrass, Thickspike 10-12 1′-3′ Cool
Wheatgrass, Tall 10-12 3′-7′ Cool
Wheatgrass, Western 10-12 1′-3′ Cool
Wildflowers Rate/Ac. PLS# Height Color
Black-Eyed Susan 1-2 1′-3′ Yellow
Blanket Flower 5-7 1′-1.5′ Red/Yellow
Blue Flax 5-7 1.5′-2.5′ Blue
Blue Vervain 1-2 1′-6′ Blue
Canada Milkvetch 6-8 1′-3′ Cream
Coneflower, Purple 10-15 3′-4′ Purple
Coneflower, Yellow 2-5 2′-3′ Yellow
False (Ox-Eye) Sunflower 15-20 3′-4′ Yellow
False Boneset 1-2 1′-4′ Cream
Four-Wing Saltbush 5-8 2′-3′ Yellow
Illinois Bundleflower 15-20 3′-4′ White
Lead Plant 6-8 1′-3′ Purple
Maximillian Sunflower 5-6 3′-7′ Yellow
Partridge Pea 20-25 1′-3′ Yellow
Plains Coreopsis 8-10 1′-3′ Yellow
Prairie Blazingstar 8-10 2′-3′ Purple
Prairie Cinquefoil .5-1 1′-3′ Yellow
Purple Prairie Clover 3-5 1′-3′ Purple
Shell-Leaf Penstemon 5-8 1.5′-2′ Lavender
Stiff Goldenrod 1-2 1′-5′ Yellow
Stiff Sundflower 10-15 2.5′-6′ Yellow
White Prarie Clover 3-5 1′-3′ White
Wild Bergamot 1-2 2′-4′ Lavender
Yarrow .5-1 2′-3′ White

1. Clear Site Of All Debris

By mowing, cultivating, or burning. A chemical application (glyphosate) might help as well. You want to make sure your seed has as little competition as possible.

2. Prepare A Firm Seedbed

Make sure, after cultivating 4-6″ deep, that the ground is firmly packed with a harrow or packer-wheel. This insures that the seed will be sown at a consistent depth and that it will not dry out.

3. Buy Quality Seed

It is very important to make sure that you are using the best quality seed available. Good seed insures that you will not have a problem with the flowability through your planter or spreader, making for consistent seed coverage. When you buy Rivard’s seed products, your are guaranteed to get the highest quality seed available with unsurpassed vigor.

4. Plant Seed According To Specs

If you are drill-seeding, most natives require a seeding depth of no more than 1/3″ deep. If you are broadcasting, we recommend at least 1.5 times the drill rate. Both practices should be followed with a light harrow or packer-wheel. To be sure of seeding specifications, check with your local NRCS office.

5. Control Weeds

Mowing or spot spraying with a chemical application can reduce weed competition. We have seen the best results of native seed stands by mowing (6-8″) several times a year until established. Applying a chemical application will work, but most broad leaf grass chemicals will kill the forbs and wildflowers in your seed mix. The key is to mow before the weed heads seed out, and patience. A quality prairie may take between 2-4 years to establish, and you will see your planting develop into the prairie you envisioned.

Native Grasses
If you have questions or would like additional information regarding Conservation Native Grasses, please contact:
IMG_2482-editRoss Rivard
Forage & Native Seed Specialist
Phone: 800-731-5765 Ext 1
Cell: 701-330-3699
Grand Forks, ND