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    Rivard’s Turf & Forage is your source for the best alfalfa seed selections in the upper Midwest. All Rivard’s alfalfas feature excellent winter hardiness & pest resistance, combined with high forage quality, high yield and persistence.

Standard Varieties:
Vernal, Wrangler, Agate, Travois creeping, and Rangelander creeping.

Surviva Blend + Alfalfa:
(15#/Acre) Seeding Depth: 1/4″
A quality 3-way blend of alfalfas that are adapted to the upper Midwest and packaged with a strong disease package. It also has good winter hardiness. Choose Surviva Blend + as an economical upgrade when common alfalfas will not do the job.
(Tap & Branch Root)
FD: 3.7
WH: 2
DRI: 29/30
Northern Multileaf Alfalfa:
(15#/Acre) Seeding Depth: 1/4″
Designed to give maximum yields, strong winter hardiness and long stand life. A long rotation alfalfa that provides top quality hay and is designed for a wide variance in soil and climatic conditions. Northern Multileaf has a maximum disease and insect resistance package. (Tap Root)
FD: 3.7
WH: 2
DRI: 30/30
Wetland Alfalfa:
(15#/Acre) Seeding Depth: 1/4″
Branch rooted traits with a superior disease resistance package. Selected for a greater degree of branch rooted traits for better success in wet high water table situations. Provides high yields over multiple cuts. Performs well in wet and dry years. (Branch Root)
FD: 4
WH: 1.9
DRI: 30/30
Dakota SLT Alfalfa:
(15#/Acre) Seeding Depth: 1/4″
Well suited to areas with increased salinity pressures. Selected from parent genes that have performed, endured, and germinated under repeated saline conditions. Dakota SLT has both branch and tap roots that help it yield high and maintain an excellent disease and pest resistance package in a wide variety of tough conditions. (Tap & Branch Root)
FD: 4
WH: 1.9
DRI: 30/30
WL 354HQ Alfalfa:
(15#/Acre) Seeding Depth: 1/4″
Outstanding yield potential and exceptional forage quality on your toughest soils make 354HQ the variety of choice for dairy, beef, and cash hay producers looking to significantly reduce the impact of root disease on seedling establishment and stand life. (Tap Root)
FD: 3.9
WH: 1.4
DRI: 35/35
WL 356HQ Alfalfa:
(15#/Acre) Seeding Depth: 1/4″
Unmatched weed control for the highest quality hay possible. This RR alfalfa has the total package which includes high yield potential, wet soil capabilities, excellent winter heartiness, perfect disease resistance, and salt tolerance of germinating seeds similar to resistant check. (Tap Root)
FD: 3.8
WH: 1.6
DRI: 35/35



Fall Dormancy WH: Winter Hardness DRI: Disease Resistance Index


If you have questions or would like additional information regarding Hay and Pasture Mixes, please contact:
IMG_2482-editRoss Rivard
Forage & Native Seed Specialist
Phone: 800-731-5765 Ext 1
Cell: 701-330-3699
Grand Forks, ND