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Whether you are looking for individual forage seeds or desire a diverse seed mixture for your livestock, Rivard’s can help find what you are looking for to increase returns on your production acres. We have designed ten premium forage seed mixes which address special conditions we face in our northern regions. If one of our mixes is not quite what you are looking for, please let us know and we can custom mix exactly what fits your situation.

B: Biannual
P: Perennial
A: Annual

Legumes Type Rate/Ac. # Best Use
Alsike Clover P 8-10 Poorly Drained Soils
Berseem Clover A 10-12 Any Soil, Cover Crop
Birdsfoot Trefoil P 6-8 Wet Soils
Cicer Milkvetch P 15-20 Grazing, Haying, Erosion Control
Crimson Clover A 10-12 Nitrogen Building, Cover Crop
Crownvetch P 15-20 Grazing, Erosion Control
Ladino White Clover P 5-8 Any Soil, Grazing
Medium Red Clover P 8-10 Use in Forage Mixes, Soil Building
Sanfoin P 40-50 Dry Soils, Grazing
White Dutch Clover P 5-8 Nitrogen Building, Ground cover
Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover B 10-12 Wildlife, Reclamation, Soil Building
Field Grasses Type Rate/Ac. # Best Use
AC Saltlander Wheatgrass P 8-12 Saline Soils
Annual Ryegrass A 20-30 Quick Forage, Most Soils
Brome, Meadow P 10-15 Grazing, Haying, Erosion Control
Brome, Smooth P 15-20 All Soil, Graze, Hay, Erosion Control
Creeping Foxtail P 5-6 Wet Soils, Grazing, Haying
Crested Wheatgrass P 10-15 Dry Soils, Grazing, Haying
Intermediate Wheatgrass P 10-15 Most Soils, Grazing, Haying
Italian Ryegrass B 15-25 Quick Forage, Most Soils, Hay, Graze
Kentucky Bluegrass-Ginger P 20-25 Livestock Grazing
Orchardgrass P 10-15 Grazing, Haying, Well Drained Soil
Perennial Ryegrass-Tetraploid B 15-35 Most Soils, Grazing, Haying
Pubescent Wheatgrass P 10-15 Most Soils, Grazing, Haying
Redtop P 8-10 Wet Soils, Grazing, Haying, Erosion
Reed Canarygrass P 8-10 Wet Soils, Grazing, Haying
Tall Fescue (Forage/Endo Free) P 20-25 Most Soils, Grazing, Haying
Teff Grass A 8-10 Most Soils, Warm Season Haying
Timothy P 8-10 Most Soils, Grazing, Haying

Please ask for seeds & mixtures not listed.

If you have questions or would like additional information regarding Hay and Pasture Mixes, please contact:
IMG_2482-editRoss Rivard
Forage & Native Seed Specialist
Phone: 800-731-5765 Ext 1
Cell: 701-330-3699
Grand Forks, ND